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Breed Quotes

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It’s not the breed that makes a good companion. All dogs are great companions.  (Breed Quotes) Hopefully the new breed of kids won’t have to go through that hard lesson - my kids, my grandkids, my fans’ kids, hopefully they won’t have to go through it.  (Breed Quotes) I’m used to riding horses. My father used to breed horses when I was a child. I grew up in Tipperary, in the country, and lots of people have horses there. If my parents hadn’t been in the business, we would have them anyway, as pets. And my cousin Richard is a jockey.  (Breed Quotes) Rather than being able to have a healthy relationship with our own sexual imagination, we’re driven into some dark corners by shame and embarrassment and guilt, and those dark corners breed all sorts of monsters.  (Breed Quotes)
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